Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 Sana Al-Salem

It is a dream coming true and a vision becoming a reality. I joined APHRA because it helps me to fulfill my mission and values of life, which is spreading the knowledge and helping others to improve their lives. The most benefit was the networking and getting to meet professional HR people

I highly recommend people to join APHRA to benefit from all its services especially the youth and fresh graduate. They will be able to learn from senior people and benefit from their knowledge

Sana Al Salem

 image001 HR is like IT sector, there are consistent new updates, and therefore networking is vital to keep in touch with the market. Networking and joining APHRA gave me the chance to benefit out of being in contact with HR professionals. Add to all what I’ve mentioned already, APHRA website will be a good link between me and the job seekers by announcing the vacancies that we I have

Sharing a big amount of colleague’s experience on the field of Human Resources and Training & Development will for sure enhance the knowledge and skills both ways for them and me

Together we work better, united we stand; it was a great instinctive that will be fruitful with your support, I’m proud being part of it since early begging.  Join us!

Ashraf Yaseen


جاءت فكرة إنشاء (افرا) لتكون مجمعاً للعاملين في مجال إدارة الموارد البشرية للاطلاع ومناقشة الافكار والقضايا المتعلقة بالموارد البشرية، وتبادل الخبرات العلمية والعملية في هذا المجال ودعم بعضهم البعض.  وقد وجدتُ في (افرا) الصرح الذي سيمكنني من خلاله التواصل وبناء علاقات مهنية مع محترفي وخبراء إدارة الموارد البشرية لإثراء معرفتي العلمية والعملية وكذلك تقديم المساعدة من قبلي لتطوير اداء العاملين المبتدئين في هذا المجال.

في افرا سيتلقى اعضاؤها المنتسبون لها فرص للتدريب والتطوير التي تساعد على نمو القدرات والكفاءة الوظيفية لديهم، سواء من خلال الحصول على شهادات و/ أو البقاء على التواصل مع محترفي إدارة الموارد البشرية، لذا لنبدأ ببناء قاعدة المعرفة وشبكة التواصل مع الزملاء

رشا فؤاد برجاوي

 Marwa Mohammad

مع جمعية محترفي الموارد البشرية العربية (أفرا)، يمكنك أن تصبح متميزاً بما تقدمه للآخرين، وتمنحك فرصة الاحتراف التدريجي فهي جوقة العمل الجماعي، لذلك:

لم أستطع انتظار احتراف النجاح .. فقررت أن أذهب وأنضم لهذه الجمعية الاحترافية.

مروة درويش


EmadThabet I have to say what is my experience and opinion about APHRA transparently , and to speak what is in my heart. After 15 years of working in the field of HR, and due to the fact me coming from an accounting degree holder background, people used to blame me for choosing a different career which I believe in and love , and used to hear from people that HR is the profession to whomever has no profession!!! at the beginning it was frustrating and disappointing , and I used to think why we don’t have a strong and solid reference we can rely on and feel that everybody works in HR is United? like the Accountants Associations, Engineers Associations, etc

Now the dream comes true and I can say we have a solid ground that we stand on and the journey shall continue. Thank you guys for your efforts and decent aim, we will continue together supporting this Association and all the efforts shown during the past period

Emad Thabet

 image123 APHRA is an association specialist in Human Resources and training, it comes by elite of specialist expert people with distinguish of experience which let it more vivid. I joined APHRA because I believed whatever your experience or knowledge you gain through your life; you must exchange your experience, APHRA is the best place where I can found this experience

The first training that I attended with APHRA about the Human Resources on 2020, it expanded my ambition and let me think more strategically

If you are looking for a professional career and knowledge I advise you to join our family

Bilal Al Masri

 image121 I feel so proud to be a founding member of APHRA. Through APHRA we all carry the responsibility towards enhancing HR best-practices, connecting HR professionals and building an HR community to lead the Positive Change in human capital investment

Rasha Al Manha

ان السبب الرئيسي بانضمامي الى أفرا هو ايماني برؤيتها وبأهدافها المعلنه والمتجسده برغبتها بتطوير مفاهيم وممارسات هذه المهنه وفق أعلى ألمعاير العالميه المتعارف عليها وسعيها لنشر وتطوير هذه الممارسات والمفاهيم بين مختلف أبناء هذه المهنه والعاملين بها من مدراء ومساعدين ومشرفين  وممبتدئين كحديثي التخرج

وبعد اشتراكي بالجمعيه لمست صدق المعامله بتطبيق الرؤيه والاهداف المعلنه وأحترافية التطبيق من خلال ورشات العمل والدورات التدريبيه المجانيه التي تم عقدها لتوعية أكبر عدد ممكن من المهتمين والعاملين بهذه من مختلف ألقطاعات.

فأنا الأن فخور بكوني عضو بهذه الجمعيه

الدكتور / ياسر أبو بكر 

 NidalShalabi The idea behind establishing HR Association concerned with all the HR aspects is not a new idea, on the contrary, we were working on this dream since the past four years with experienced and professional HR experts, who are now active members in Arab Professional Human Resources Association (APHRA). We all believed in the Idea, Vision, Mission and then the desired result when this idea becomes a reality. We are so proud of what we have achieved in the short time. I am so proud being one of Member Founders and President of APHRANidal Shalabi
 KhalidMohamadieh Ambition is the bath of success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. with these spirits the APHRA starts, carried by members believing in themselves and believes that every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. People don’t have the best of everything; they made the best of everything. We are group of HR Professionals made decision to make our dream true,  and to fulfill our mission we repeat the best way to Predict the future is to CREAT it. Human; the purpose of human life is to serve and show compassion and the will to help others. Here from our mission came; to serve and assist each other in order to develop our humanitarian and community Relationship or friendship all bonds are built on trust. Without it, we have nothing. Good relationships don’t just happen, they take time, patience and people who truly want to be together Associate with well-mannered persons and your manners will improve. Run around with decent folk and your own decent instincts will be strengthened For all of these; I’m proud to be a part of APHRAKhalid Mohamadieh
It is my pleasure to exchange Knowledge & Experience with APHRA members for more mutual benefits and sharing experiences.Eng. Ghadeer Anati
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